Mon and Kyu Syllabus (over 8’s and Seniors)

Mon and Kyu Syllabus (over 8’s and Seniors)

As part of the BJA, AWE Judo Club perform gradings according to the BJA syllabus – Click Here

Both Adults and Juniors Grade through a series of belts leading to the coveted BLACK BELT (Dan grade of which there are 10).

The Syllabus is the same for Adults as well as juniors although each belt is split into 3 stripes for the juniors known as Mons.

The syllabus for your grades are available electronically from the BJA resources page – Click Here

Gradings can take place through a lesson or a series of lessons or held as standalone grading sessions and do not need to be completed in one go.

Gradings consist of sections

Fundamental Skills – Breakfalls, Throws, Holds etc
Performance Skills – Techniques on the move combinations and counters etc
Personal Choice – Options of techniques chosen and performed by the candidate
Terminology and Supplementary Knowledge – Japanese language related to judo, rules, referees signals etc

Only one grade can be taken at a time with a period to improve in between.:

3 months for juniors up to 6th mon
2 months for 7th mon  +
1 month for Senior Novice to 5th Kyu
2 months for 4th Kyu +

Gradings typically happen once a term,  however if you feel you are ready to take a grading please speak to one of your Sensei.

Electronic Booklets and other Grading resources are are available here

Junior Over 8’s Syllabus Syllabus Pictorial Guides Click on image for better detail.

Red – 6th Kyu
Yellow – 5th Kyu
Orange – 4th Kyu
Green – 3th Kyu
Blue – 2nd Kyu
Brown – 1st Kyu


 1st Dan (15yrs old+) 

Must hold a Senior Licence



 6th – 8th Dan


9th-10th Dan


The Club Coaches are qualified to take gradings up and including 18th Mon / 1st Kyu. For Dan gradings there are events held throughout the areas and can be found in the British Judo website events section.

Once completed there is an admin charge for registration of the grade however we do not charge for failed gradings. Please speak to your sensei for the current cost.